


With expertise and experience in art history and appraisals, Dr. Bonito provides accurate and comprehensive valuation reports for your valuable artworks. Her appraisal process follows the primary standards set by certified appraisers, ensuring the protection of your property. She adheres to a meticulous process, on-site examinations, where she carefully examines your property, nothing important details such as artist, style, and condition. She also takes high-quality digital photographs to document the property and aid in her research. Finally she verifies dates, locates selling history, investigates appropriate markets, and consult experts when necessary. This in-depth research allows her to create an accurate appraisal report that fully protects your interests.

Dr. Bonito introduces herself as an art historian with a rich background in Italian Renaissance, Medieval, and Classical art. Her expertise also extends to Impressionism, Post-Impressionism, Modernism, and Post-War American Realism/Figural Art. With a career spanning appraisal, academia, and consultation to collectors and artists, Dr. Bonito’s credentials are backed by a comprehensive curriculum vitae.

Dr. Bonito adheres to the highest ethical standards, confirming her commitment to unbiased appraisals. She certifies that she has no undisclosed financial interest in the appraised property, and her appraisal fee is charged hourly, independent of the final valuation of the various property.

Comprehensive Appraisal Process:

On-Site Examination:

Dr. Bonito’s appraisal process begins with a meticulous on-site examination. Every property is scrutinized with precision, noting artist details, styles, and conditions. Measurements and high-quality digital images are obtained, laying the foundation for a thorough analysis.

[left: the Peristyle Garden, House of Menander, Pompeii, Italy, 1st half of the 1st century A.D.]


Digital images are taken to not only document the property but also to aid in in-depth research. These images become an integral part of the final appraisal report, adding a visual dimension to the comprehensive valuation.

[left: Andrea Sansovino, Saint Anne Group, 1511-12, parian marble, Sant’Agostino, Rome, detail]


Embarking on a journey of extensive research, Dr. Bonito assesses artists, styles, and historical context. She verifies dates, locates comparable items, investigates selling history, and consults experts when necessary.

[left: Raphael Sanzio, Prophet Isaiah, 12, fresco, Sant’Agostino, Rome, detail]

Appraisal report

With her process of extensive research, Dr. Bonito assesses into artists, styles, and historical context. She verifies dates, locates comparable items, investigates selling history, and consults experts when necessary. This research ensures that the final appraisal report is accurate, protecting both you and your valuable property.

[left: Jacopo Sansovino, Madonna del Parto, 1511-14, marble, Sant’Agostino, Rome, detail]


In addition to Dr. Bonito’s appraisal services, she also offers essay writing services. With Dr. Bonito’s expertise as an art historian and academic, she provides top-notch essays on various art-related topics. Dr. Bonito specializes in Italian Renaissance, Medieval, and Classical art, as well as Impressionism, Post-Impressionism, Modernism, and Post-War American Realism/Figural Art. Her vast knowledge and experience make her an excellent resource for writing high-quality essays.

Her essay writing services cover a wide range of art topics, including the history, analysis, and interpretation of artworks. Whether you need an essay for academic purposes or to enhance your understanding of a specific art movement or artist, she can provide well-researched and insightful essays tailored to your needs.

Contact Dr. Bonito today for all your appraisal and essay writing needs. She is committed to delivering exceptional services that meet the highest standards of professionalism and expertise.